I Choose To Live In Gratitude and Abundance


In April, I spent most of my time and energy trying to navigate dating during a global pandemic (I can’t say whether or not this was smart.)

On the positive side, it forced me to look at some of the negative habits that I still had and lots of underlying fears. However, it also meant that my brain was doing this thing where it replayed thoughts (mainly negative) over and over. On top of that, a friend was going through her own dating thing and I realized much too late that I was taking on a lot of her emotions (such is the life of an empath). This was all coupled with not having many other things to keep me busy during the quarantine.

Clearly, April was chaotic. But I didn’t really realize it until this morning when I felt light and joyful.

Most of the change is because I’ve been focusing on meditation over the past week and reducing my interactions with people. The other part is that I found the perfect mantra to recenter myself whenever my mind starts drifting to thoughts that don’t serve me.

It’s so simple, yet so profound: “I choose to live in gratitude and abundance.”

I’ve said this about 30 times today and each time I can feel an instant calm come over me. It’s powerful because I remember that I choose what I think about and how I process those thoughts. This declaration reminds me to create thoughts that support this.

I have so much to be grateful for and my life is abundant. I choose to live in that truth instead of allowing my mind to create its own fears and worries.