And Then I Found Out I Had High Cholesterol


Everyone already knows that 2020 has been a doozy. I was thrown one more loop when I did a physical a few weeks ago and found out that I had high cholesterol. Granted, I’d been eating a lot of things that I shouldn’t have for a couple of months before the test (I’m blaming quarantine for all the comfort indulgences). Yet, I was still surprised because I thought I was pretty ok. Anyway, I wasn’t and it was a quick reminder of how our bodies are fully integrated and that there is no running away from weeks of drinking condensed milk.

This all coincided with the start of my health coaching certification program. Actually, starting the program is one of the main reasons that I decided to get a full workup. I wanted to see where my health was before I started guiding others to optimal health. The great thing is that I’ve been reading all the different ways to reduce cholesterol healthily through diet as I’ve been studying. Literally, the day after I received my results, I read a section on how scammy (my words, not theirs) cholesterol drugs (statins) were and why they should be avoided and what to do instead.

The other thing that the test results forced me to do was to realize that I needed to reach out to my biological father. Was it all the condensed milk or was it hereditary (it’s a little of both)? There was a whole half of my genetic makeup that I knew nothing about and it was time to look into it. More importantly, was that there was a part of my heart that needed to heal and I knew that could cause heart problems just as easily as elevated cholesterol levels. What we eat is important, but so are relationships and how we deal with things like grief. Everything is connected, mind, body, and spirit. This was the universe showing me immediately why I was on this path and pointing out that before I could help heal others, I had to heal myself.

After about a week and hours of tears, I did end up connecting with my biological father. I promise to share that story soon. For now, I’m working on continuing my studies and using myself as a test subject on lowering cholesterol naturally. I have a follow-up doctor’s visit in October and I already know that my numbers will be lower. I’ll keep you guys posted.