What Would Be on My Hospitality Rider


Someday I imagine this will be relevant and by that time, half of these things might change. However, after looking over riders for hours, I couldn’t help but wonder what I would ask for on my hospitality rider. Here’s what I’ve come up with:

  1. Four bottles of champagne or cava (with real flutes or wine glasses)

  2. Ferrero rocher chocolates

  3. Candles (no pumpkin spice or holiday scents, ughh I hate these)

  4. Fiji water ( six large bottles or 12 small ones)

  5. Three large white towels (Because everyone asks for them….granted I probably won’t be hopping around and getting sweaty on stage, but I figure it can’t hurt)

  6. Tate’s chocolate chip cookies (If you’ve had these, you’d understand why)

I think this is pretty much it. Seems reasonable I think especially after some of the other things I’ve seen.