Food And Tea Are The Only Things I Can Find Comfort In Right Now


I found myself a bit obsessed this morning trying to understand the connection between QAnon and the wellness community. I’d heard of the group before but never paid much attention to any of it. That was until yesterday. I was talking to a friend and she mentioned some thoughts and theories that other friends were introducing her to. I recognized the ideas as the same ones that I’d heard associated with QAnon, even though she wasn’t labeling it as such.

After talking with her, I did some Googling and realized that these theories were being spread at a rapid rate throughout the wellness community. As I read different articles and social media posts, the other thing that I noticed was that the comments from both sides were filled with divisiveness, anger, and fear. It seemed that no matter who believed what, they thought that everyone on the other side was crazy and stupid.

I was very disheartened to see where we were. It’s clear that everyone is on edge right now and I think we’ve all reached our collective breaking points with being quarantined. (I recognize that my battle with my neighbor and my anger and insistence on having peace and quiet where I live is my own personal version of this.) I think we’re all trying to make sense of a really difficult time. Understanding this, while I might not always believe what someone else believes, I hope to give people space to process, grieve, and reflect in the way that they need to.

Eventually, I stopped looking and reading. I realized that trying to sort through this would surely make me mad and fearful. I stepped away from the computer and had an oatmeal smoothie with banana, cinnamon, turmeric, black pepper, dates, and almond milk (I’m now realizing I forgot the flaxseed), followed by a cup of green tea. I might not be able to make sense of anything that’s happening in this political climate, but I can make sure that my body is taken care of and find joy in that. And maybe that’s enough for now.

I’m going to find something funny to watch and maybe take a nap to restart this day. I hope we can continue to find ways to love and respect one another despite the massive differences that are bubbling up right now.