Don't Mess With Creatives


I had lunch with one of my friends yesterday. We haven’t seen each other in a while. As we were catching up, he mentioned some shady business dealings that had gone wrong and how it took him some time, but he’s finally healed from it.

An hour into us munching away on the best burgers Atlanta has to offer, he told me about the book he’s writing. It’s brilliant. I have no doubt that it will succeed.

Then he dropped the bomb.

He was going to dedicate it to the shadiest of the shady characters that he’d mentioned earlier.

As he laid out his entire plan I realized that this was next-level stuff. I pity the shadester on the receiving end of this master class on how to destroy someone’s ego publicly.

It’s a reminder not to mess with creatives. They won’t set out to get revenge. However, you’ll end up as the spark for something brilliant (and potentially quite lucrative) and you might not like the results. Just ask anyone that’s ever had a song written about them.