It's Happening, Even If You Don't See It
You know how people tell you to take photos so that you can see your progress while you’re working out? Well, I haven’t been doing that. Instead, every 6 weeks or so, I attempt to slip on this black dress that I haven’t been able to fit in about three years.
Yesterday morning, I pulled the dress out of the back of my closet, stood in front of the mirror and put it on. It zipped up easily. I was shocked.
Even though I’ve been working out consistently for nine months and eating well, when I look in the mirror, I can’t see a huge difference. I can tell some things have changed, but not enough to fit a dress that I couldn’t fit weeks ago. I’d also stepped on the scale and it tried to tell me that I’d gained six pounds in less than a week. I knew this was a lie. But I also knew that I technically weighed more than when I last tried this on. (Now, I’m realizing that it’s muscle.)
What this reminded me is that things are happening even if you can’t see it. This doesn’t only pertain to health. It’s applicable in every area of your life. You just need to continue to do your part. Your part might seem small and even repetitive but do it anyway. Let the universe worry about everything else.
Keep going!