How I Came To Understand Bravery and Courage


All of a sudden I was on my back. Well, all of a sudden I was in the air…and then on my back.

My kickboxing class started pretty much the same way as always. Then at some point halfway through, I kicked my kick a little too high and as my right foot landed, it slipped ever so suddenly. It felt like I was moving in slow motion and all I knew was that I was looking at the ceiling instead of at the kickboxing bag.

Up until that moment, I don’t think I ever thought about the possibility that I could fall. Actually, I’m certain that in nine months, not once did falling ever cross my mind.

However, as I laid there for a second, still caught in utter shock at the predicament that I'd found myself in while being surrounded by sweaty strangers, I realized that I wasn't embarrassed. With this realization, I lifted myself off the mat and got back to work.

See, this is a situation that nine months ago would have terrified me.

However, I was already doing the impossible. I'd committed to exercising daily and found my uncoordinated body showing up and developing something that looked like proper form. For nine months, I'd courageously walked into this same space and worked hard. When it rained, I showed up. When it was hella windy, I showed up. When I was tired, I showed up. When I drank too much the night before, I showed up.

I was brave.

I'd stepped so far out of my comfort zone and done something I didn't think was possible.

And now I know there’s no way to be embarrassed when you’re doing that.