Everything Is Working Out For You


On Christmas Eve, I received an email that the project that I’d been working on for two years was ending. There was no warning and finding out right before the holiday and the start of a new year was a less than ideal time to be given the news. However, while irked by the timing and delivery, I wasn’t worried. Actually, it was the opposite. I know that this is going to work out in the best way possible for me.

I’ve had this perspective for the past two years, ever since I discovered the law of attraction. I can understand why the law of attraction can sound really airy fairy and pie in the sky, but it’s completely changed my life for the better. The basic principle is that thoughts become things. You can have anything that you desire by thinking positively about it and removing negative thoughts.

Again, I know…I know…this sounds ridiculous. You’re probably thinking, “So I can just think about something and it will come true? Yeah right.” (and you’d be right, action is still involved.)

But, I live an amazing life and it’s because I started believing that my life could be amazing. I have an entire manifesto that has everything that I want listed out and I read it every day. Little by little, I’ve watched as all of these things have come my way. When something that someone else might view as unfavorable happens, I know that everything is still working out for me.

Most people go through life thinking negatively and repeating messages that they’ve told themselves for years. Then, they receive more things to feel negatively about. And so the cycle goes. Instead, if you focus all of your energy on gratitude, you’ll receive more things to be grateful about (you’ll also realize how much you have in the first place).

I’ll continue to write more about how to apply this to your life in practical ways because I truly believe that it’s the key to living the life that you dream about. Life can be outrageously great.