It Would Be Great If Bars Served Tea


I was hanging out at the rooftop bar at Hotel Clermont on Saturday. It was such a perfect night. I’ve been craving some human interaction (safely) and it satisfied that need and more. However, I couldn’t help thinking that I wish I could order a cup of tea.

One of the hard parts about being social and eating well is the alcohol situation. I’ll still have a glass of wine when hanging out, but it would be ideal to stop there. Alcohol-free cocktails have been buzzing for a few years, but they are not my thing. I think it’s great if you’re trying to fit in or if you like blended juices, but neither of those things are appealing to me. I’d prefer to have a cup of great tea.

This isn’t new for me. Even before I shifted my lifestyle, I’d order tea if I saw it on a bar menu. There are a couple of places that I’ve been to that do tea service well in Atlanta even in the evenings. I was so thrilled to see tea on their menu, that I ordered it and I loved the experience, even though others looked at me quite oddly.

Tea is relaxing. You’re not going to believe me, but I feel pretty much the same feeling as I do with a glass of wine. It allows me to have the exact type of experience that I would like to have while socializing. I’d also gladly pay $8 for a cup (It clearly couldn’t be a Celestial Seasonings tea bag for that price).

I haven’t figured out how to make this catch on at bars. I also realize that none of this really matters since we’re still quarantined and bars have entirely more important things to worry about…like how to survive. Anyway, I’ll keep dreaming.